Friday, May 24, 2013

55. IGGG now to save Malaysia especially Sabah

OPEN LETTER TO THE HOME AFFAIRS MINISTER, MALAYSIA Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi challenged us to show proof that Electoral Rolls are improper hence affecting the General Elections results.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

54. Very effective and low costs system for 2 years

I have a Very effective and low costs system for 2 years in IGGG Malaysia to revamp the whole nation as a performing entity to avoid bankruptcy as implicated in 2019.

How much did Najib spend in his ETP and socalled transformation for Malaysia since 2009?  Billions of Ringgit were wasted in profligacy and much abuses to enrich a small group.

How much now about GST to cost the nation at 7%?  It would be a total failure as far as Malaysia is concerned especially Sabah with little industries to sustain its economy?

If GST ever introduced it should start with 2% as a trial period for the consumers and taxpayers to get used to the system to avoid total failure.

I think no country started with 7%.  Even UK started with 5%.

Is Jala sound in mind and talk so much and scared to answer questions when he came to Kota Kinabalu.

I submit a list of written questions but no response from any one after the wasted expensive roadshows in KK on the ETP etc...why???

Joshua Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia (designate)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

53. OPEN LETTER post GE13

IGGG Malaysia should come to pass now post GE13, Thank God, Joshua

What is the way forward after GE13 on a flawed mandate?

What is it after the clarion call of UBAH?

That UBAH process is ongoing at accelerated space despite the BN/UMNO remains in office at Putrajaya and for what purpose when the Writings are on the Wall Malaysia?

Lets look at the results very much contaminated by all sorts of rigging by EC as denied for decades.

The PR got 51% of the popular votes when BN got only 46% leaving the rest to the Independents and other smaller parties which are also in opposition to BN/UMNO.    So the opposition actually got 54% of the votes cast.

When 80% of the voters of 13m came out and so the opposition to BN/UMNO got 54% of the 10.4m votes and that is 5.6m of the total votes cast.  So BN/UMNO got 4.8m.

So the purpose of the General Election is for the leaders on both side of the divide to get the mandate from the populous votes.  Did BN/UMNO under the leadership of Najib really get the mandate?

What kind of mandate is expected to be in the voting pattern?

The mandate should come from real support of the votes cast.

There are various types of votes mainly support or protests votes.

It is important for the voters to be genuine supporters.

Some of the giant killers got their votes from ‘protesters’ against the BN/UMNO’s sort of big wig or big gun.

For the reigning Government to be effective to implement whatever policies and projects, we need people who are genuine to support the parties and leaders concerned.

So lets examine the BN/UMNO’s votes of  4.8m when there are over 3m of UMNO members alone not to consider the members of the other 12 coalition members.  Then the other component members could easily add up to 1.8m.  So who are the voters of BN/UMNO?  The civil servants of present and retired ones including family members could easily add up to some 3 millions. Normally the civil servants including the retired ones would vote for the reigning Government  I have not considered the number of employees of  the Government Linked Agencies and statutory bodies which could employ a few millions of workers.  So the total of such people could be up to 10m.  (I may be wrong here and can anyone rebut my assumptions here with real figures).

So can I draw a conclusion that many of these estimated 10m had not voted and supported BN/UMNO?  It is also to be questioned that the total registered voters is about 13 millions as most of the BN/UMNO members also come from employees of civil service and the Government linked agencies.

If that is the case, then can we considered those groups with vested interests really voted with wholeheartedly support for the BN/UMNO.  Here, I can also assume that many who know BN/UMNO inside out did not vote for BN/UMNO.

It is to be questioned that the said mandate is not without any flaw then.  If BN/UMNO as the incumbent got more than 60% of the votes, then the mandate could be accepted as more reliable.

The 1Malaysia Government could be further flawed when only few newly elected members of Parliament are Chinese from MCA and Indian from MIC possibly making the 1Malaysia Cabinet as lopsided with most members from UMNO only.

Najib wanted a good government and a well balanced cabinet and a two third in the Parliament to push forward his transformation programme but none of that is available now after GE13.  It is also likely that a significant portion of his stable of people did not vote for BN/UMNO as lost faith in Najib.

So Najib should now have another look at UBAH when those voted for the opposition come from support for the UBAH.  So 54% have no faith in Najib when the seats (133 out of 222) obtained by BN/IMNO are indeed questioned for the many irregularities of the Election Commission and the Police.

How can Najib proceed to keep the fort at Putrajaya to be effective when many knows they had been cheated in GE13?

I would expect Najib to hand over the power to PR to avoid further embarrassment when further scrutiny of the GE13 would expose the extent of the frauds in GE13.  If black outs are so common in the midst of final counting of votes to turn over losing BN/UMNO candidates into winners and if EC is not at fault, then EC should set up adequate emergency lights at all counting centres.  I have also urged the set up of an NGO known as Ballot Boxes Brigade (BBB or 3B).

Anwar had twitted that the early results from the various polling centres indicated PR had won Putrajaya, but the final results confirmed otherwise.  I am told that the Police had roadblocked the road to the Istana and the State Assembly Building in Kota Kinabalu at about 9pm on 5th May, 2013 and why is this so if BN/UMNO had won Sabah case?  Would the Police confirm these road blocks?

I would also like to challenge Najib to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on  the Electoral system including the Election Commission and the various Election Acts to clear all the accusations of the performance of the Election Commission.  I know some new features appeared in GE13 after the Parliamentary Select Committee did its round nationwide in 2011.   Some of the new features have created some serious troubles especially the indelible ink which turned out to be an expensive fake quality.  It was just for show only trying to play down the alleged cheating of multiple voting by some voting agents.  It had backfired because the indelible ink was easily washable.  The promise of cleaning up the rolls after the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah was not fulfilled and the Roll was contaminated with Project IC holders not only in Sabah but nationwide.

Also Najib did not have a mandate of his own in 2009 when he assumed PM and for four years the system of governance was also flawed and can we accept another term of four or five years of flawed mandate?

So is that true democracy? Who are we fooling now?

Should we not go for another fresh GE within the year after the double RCI on Illegal Immigrants Sabah and on the Electoral System be fully applied for a more meaningful and balanced public contests.

If one year is too short, it is better that Najib having lost all public confidence in his Government largely in the use of delay tactics for the past four years step down now for an Interim Good Governance Government  (IGGG) Malaysia for a two year tenure to be backed up by the military (not trusting the Police as spoilers so far) to maintain the security.  In this way, it is the best way to avert the possibility of the worst to come in the nation as tension post GE13 is now building up.  The military has sort of also lost faith in Najib a former Defence Minister when a few retired top army generals offered themselves as opposition candidates in the GE13 with one in Lumut winning a very big majority. The other maiden one in Johore Baru also got very high votes.  The fact that the retired generals as opposing candidates managed to obtain tremendous support speak volume of protests again Najib precipitating no confidence in Najib and BN/UMNO.

So the DYMM YDP Agong should do the needful now and not wait any longer.

Joshua Y. C. Kong

PM of IGGG (M) designate.  8th May, 2013


Thursday, April 25, 2013

52. Very important blogs to read before GE13
page=1   terrorists at work in Malaysia & Sabah and security failed to keep Sabah in crime-free or less crimes

Writings on the Walls Malaysia on the evils of UMNO/BN
GE13 rci on illegal
immigrants in Sabah

very urgent for GE13

Please read and send to your network or print them for distribution to save Malaysia and Sabah NOW.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clear the OPEN wound in Sabah claim

Sabah Claim once a wound is an open wound now.

Sabah Claim once a wound is an open wound now.

We don’t like to see but it has been with us for 50 years but it has been dormant.

Sabah Claim has been a string of terrible nightmares with great suffering on both sides of the  Sulu Sea.  One of the most degrading and hollow experience at the start of this claim was the Jabidah massacre in the Philippines during Marcos time.  It was the fitting nightmarish excuse to send the socalled refugees of Filipinos to Sabah. International communities,  Malaysians and Sabahans had made a mess of that scenario in whatever shades of concern.  The flooding of socalled illegals by Manila into Sabah had brought so much downsides to Sabah – the land below the wind.  The presence of the illegal people has been the mother of all woes in Sabah.

But we do not seen to have any solution to the crisis created in Sabah by BN/UMNO/exUMNO in the context of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Even the political tsunami of GE 2008 in Peninsula Malaysia did not reach Sabah shores as the fixed deposit state of UMNO was sustained by the illegals given identity cards and voting right via Project IC or Project Mahathir.

GE 2008 of change occurred in 50 years in Peninsula Malaysia as after Malaya became independent in 1957.  For Sabah and Malaysia it is now 50 years and change is emerging now.

What kind of change for Sabah is still not obvious unless the concerned genuine Sabahans make that happen.  So what do we want now?

So what do we want now as we are in the midst of the invasion at Kg Tanduo by the Filipino terrorists who claim Sabah?

Would our dream come through? What kind of dream now?  Of course, we do not want our homeland destroyed as we have not witness bombings in 50 years, but now in our midst.

Now this wound is open and how do we resolve this open wound?

At the moment it may sound we are not in control of the destiny of Sabah.  Actually we are in control of our destiny as it was the Philippine’s claim in 1962 that had caused the British changed its mind to make Sabah independent first on 31st August, 1963  Then came the formation of Malaysia on 16th September, 1963.

So can Sabah be truly independent by itself now as we were once for 14 days free from any danger of attacks by neighbouring countries?

We can achieve truly independent now if we get assurance of support of Malaysia without Sabah, Philippines and Indonesia.

So we are nearly there if only we resolve the open wound as soon as possible.

Believe ourselves that we can achieve that if we work in unity knowing full well that the Filipino claim is dead, Confrontation by Indonesia is also dead.  Malaysia would be happy that the current invasion at Kg Tanduo would be over soon.

Don’t you think we need to organize ourselves properly in any group of unity and I would propose this group be known as Interim Good Governance Group (IGGG).

We are aware of many groups coming up doing one thing or another including a Sabah group siding with the ‘enemies’ within and without.  Some want to go to International Criminal Court for a different reason as the intruders want to express their dissatisfaction.

Don’t expect the GE13 if ever held to resolve any issue and the said wound could be even bigger because the political agenda is not necessary helpful for all genuine Sabahans.

All we need to do is to revive my submission to ICC in 2006.

Don’t let the good destiny slip from our hands.

Lets work our hearts out to heal the wound.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
Prime Minister of IGGG
(now 5 years mandate expired on 8th March, 2013)

Emergency must follows after UMNO de-registered

Darurat: Jangan ambil langkah tidak popular

KUALA LUMPUR- Dalam saat-saat genting menghadapi PRU13, Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia mahu memastikan kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah yang tidak popular seperti mengisytiharkan darurat ekoran peristiwa pencerobohan di Lahad Datu.
Ketuanya, Nasruddin Hassan tidak menolak pengisytiharan darurat dibuat supaya pilihan raya tidak berlaku.
Katanya, kebimbangan rakyat hari ini jelas kerana seolah-olah ada ura-ura untuk mengisytiharkan darurat bagi menangguhkan pilihan raya di Sabah.
"Jika sekiranya berlaku juga pengisytiharan itu, kami boleh katakan ia sebagai pelan strategik untuk selamatkan Umno dalam PRU nanti,"katanya.
Namun berhubung isu Lahad Datu ini, Nasruddin menegaskan bahawa isu ini bukan isu politik malah mana-mana parti tidak perlu berebut untuk mendapat faedah daripada peristiwa ini.
"Cuma kita agak terkilan macam mana sempadan mudah dimasuk dan dibolosi oleh penceroboh, sempadan kita begitu mudah untuk masuk," katanya.
Sehubungan itu, Nasruddin kecewa apabila Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menuduh pembangkang yang menyifatkan peristiwa di Lahad Datu sebagai sandiwara politik.
Jelas Nasruddin, tuduhan 'sandiwara politik' itu bukannya daripada pembangkang sebaliknya daripada kenyataan yang dikeluarkan sendiri oleh isteri Sultan Sulu.
"Bukan kita anggap demikian, ianya daripada Sulu sendiri. Bila ada dakwaan itu sepatutnya kerajaan perlu memberi penjelasan sewajarnya kepada rakyat, bukan menyerang pembangkang," katanya.
Sebelum ini, Ahmad Zahid mencabar pembangkang yang kononya melemparkan tuduhan bahawa insiden itu satu sandiwara politik Umno, untuk turun sendiri bertempur mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.
"Biar mereka pergi sendiri, biar parti mereka menjadi penaja utama untuk bertempur tanpa perlindungan daripada tentera mahupun polis, tengok sama ada perkara ini sandiwara politik atau tidak. Kalau mereka mahu syahid politik, jangan minta tolong daripada tentera dan polis," katanya.

No rent but compensation

Very Important Issue on “rent” or not “rent”

According to the paper “ Philippines Brings the Sabah Dispute to the UN” by Narciso Ramos, Secretary  of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Philippines.

Philippine Policy Statement in the United Nations

(Text of Statement Delivered before the 125-member nations at the United Nations General Assembly during its 23rd session, New York, Tuesday 16 October, 1968).

Quote from page 16 –

(4)    The report of British Council General Treacher to the Earl of Derby dated January 22, 1878.  Mr. Treacher accompanied Baron de  Overbeck to Jolo to negotiate with the Sultan of Sulu: he was before and during the signing of the Deed of January 22, 1878, he acted as advisor to both Baron de Overbeck and the Sultan and he signed the document as the only witness.  His report to his superiors in London made the same day the Deed of January, 1878 was signed, should carry considerate weight.  He explained the basis of fixing the amount of 5,000 Malayan dollars mentioned in Deed.  He stated in his report that at that time the Sultan’s annual income from his  dominions in North Borneo was 5,000 Malayan dollars  - 3,000 from his pearl fisheries and 2,000 from his burd’s nest caverns.  And Mr. Treacher called the grant a concession – not cession.”

So the amount of 5,000 has been given various interpretations but based on this understanding it is definitely a perpetual compensation for the loss of sort of ‘control’ of the land in question.

This “rent’ issue is an hearsay in almost every Filipino mouth giving the impression the landlord deserves to get back the disputed land  at a later time when it was perpetually given to the white investors.

I am not going to dwell into the real ownership of North Borneo except to mention the following:-

  1. Where is the title of the disputed land sort of given by Sultan of Brunei to Sulu Sultan?  If no title, it is a fraud and the white investors just interested to give some ‘protection’ money to do business/trade in North Borneo. If no title, Suluk – shut up as it is a crime to perpetrate this idea about the ownership or sovereignty over North Borneo.  All the dubious claimants should be charged in the International Criminal Court (ICC) for all the heinous crimes committed since 1962 by the aggressors now involved with an invasion in Lahad Datu.  The ICC can revive my bulky submission in 2006.  The Federal and State Government of Sabah equally guilty in these heinous crimes against humanity should be also be made as defendants.
  2. Be it a concession or cession depending on who interprete the secondary document of a ‘transfer’ when the title to the North Borneo is faulty, it is as good a gone case for the Sulu Sultanate when “pajak” is used.  Pajak is “one-off” deal.  “One-off” deal with one-off compensation for ever and that settle the issue once and for all.
  3. There is no original document of the ‘pajak’ agreement and so the matter is dead.
  4. .The Sulu Sultanate was defunct since 1936 hence the succession and sovereignty is dead especially the disputed land is sort of “no-man” land except to those who sat in North Borneo..
  5. The North Borneo’s High Court Judgement of 1939 had nothing to do with the claim except to deal with the distribution of the ‘5,000” Malayan Ringgit.  Important to note this emphasis – the money did not go to the Sultanate – defunct.  All those heirs do not own North Borneo except a false claim tantamount to fraud.
  6. Filipinos and Sulu people had done all sorts of most evil deeds on the dubious claim and all failed miserably especially the Jabidah massacre, the 1990’s attempt ended with the CIA’s man in Manila lost his feet to a bomb in a hotel room possibly financed by some Malaysians; Malaysians training MNLF to fight Manila but failed to get any impact except deaths in the thousands in the struggle.  Many kidnappings reported and unreported in Sabah. So now the Tanduoa Invasion has the intention to destroy Sabah if cannot get back Sabah/North Borneo – so evil as that.
  7. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.  Let Sabah be independent and be protected by Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia.  No point to go on fighting into futility.

All those frightening accusations in the Philippines’ websites – past and present – should be assessed for a value and compensation to be offered to genuine Sabahans to settle the dispute once and for all in ICC and not in ICJ.

Whoever cause problems, troubles, nuisances and deaths have to pay now.

Start an Interim Good Governance Government IGGG NOW and all past/present politicians of BN/UMNO/exUMNO should stay out of this IGGG.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
Prime Minister of IGGG Malaysia.

PS:--  Send this on immediately.