Monday, May 30, 2011
Najib and Musa Aman to resign now
JK’s digest 13 of May, 2011 – Youth Parliament & new Sabah LDP senator
I have been waiting to write this last edition in May 2011 also a celebration of Harvest Festival.
Two important events have triggered this item.
What is this Youth Parliament all about? Is it another red herring wasting more public fund and to get the youth in more futile politicking when the youth should be in the institutions of higher learning and skill colleges to equip themselves to bring up the productivity of the nation so far neglected in 53 years. Is it going to be one sided again as 1Melayu rather than 1Malaysia? It is simply more duplication of convening another parliament worth almost nothing as the official Parliament and Dewan Negara have failed the nation. Many important things like the Petroleum Act and Petronas and the Suhakam never go through the Parliament. So it has been a scheming Parliament and Dewan Negara only to boost a small sector of people and yet this system cannot be any longer be defended except by the Youth to keep Putrajaya with BN. It is now so clear.
Najib to resign to prove 1Malaysia.
So is there really 1Malaysia in Malaysia even after 53 years. All the laughable stories are every where. Since it is Najib who insist that there is 1Malaysia, it is for him to resign now – illegal and desperate – PM to prove his point. We already have a ruler conference dominated by one race and one religion. So it is only right after 53 year that we have a non Muslim Prime Minister and better still a Christian Prime Minister as so clearly exposed by Utusan Malaysia as desirable now. Every one would see the difference once that happen.
Any general election would not make 1Malaysia a reality because the GE13 would be rigged by the Election Commission as it has been confirmed in GE11 and GE12.
Datuk Chin (vocal) should tell Musa Aman to resign now
What is the purpose of appointing Datuk Chin of LDP Sabah as a senator? Would he be made a Federal Minister to fight for Sabahans rights? What can a senator do for Sabah?
Sabah had many senators who just warmed the chairs at public expense.
The fact that Datuk Chin is now a senator – a position subject to the confirmation by the State Assembly – and yet Datuk Chin only thanked the illegal and desperate PM for the appointment ignoring the illegal and desperate Chief Minister Musa Aman. So this federal appointment only confirmed those statements made by Datuk Chin on Musa Aman as true.
Yet Musa Aman once so much slighted by this true comment and flexed his stupid muscle against LDP (in turmoil of sort) and even refused to appoint an Assemblyman from LDP for the State Cabinet which has at least two vacancies now filled by ‘frogs’. So the Musa Aman with a hidden agenda should say Amen for his position in Sabah. His position is already untenable and should fade away following the Sarawak General Elections. Musa Aman is also the Taib of Sabah. A “statesmen” cannot be emotional, bias, exhibiting anger and only an illegal CM can do such a thing like he is so silent on the latest development on the unconditional release of Akjan. Any consolation from some top gangsters and some top women cannot guarantee that Musa Aman stays. Musa Aman’s heinous skeletons have been exposed long ago and he should now resign long overdue.
So there are so many other ongoing diatribes and sex dramas that everyone is misled by BN and UMNO as the latest Datuk Chin appointment is also a confusion. How can that happen in a fixed deposit state and Musa Aman and Najib can ignore the baby cry of Senator Datuk Chin to stay on course for GE13 as speculated by but never to come by. Our illegal and desperate leaders are using the ‘frontier’ of GE13 to lead the nation to bankruptcy earlier as more misleading dramas emerge. There are simply too much one sided politicking enticing the opposition to do likewise and now involving the innocent youth.
So the easy and simple solution as soon as possible is the Interim Good Governance Government IGGG under Joshua Y. C. Kong as the PM. Not a Christian PM but just another PM and the impossible made possible.
Go there for more.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Friday, May 27, 2011
Fact sheet on GE 2004 and GE 2008 Malaysia
Jk’S DIGEST 12 of May 2011 – Fact sheet on GE 2004 and GE 2008 Malaysia
General Election 13 can be meaningless and totally wasteful.
We have illegal Governments as general elections 2004 and 2008 had been rigged by Election Commission
as proven by the data of discrepancies of ballot papers issued for the Parliament seats and the respective state seats. (see below)
We can only hold General Elections after a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission.
Other Royal Commission of Inquiry for the following pressing issues:-
1. Status checks on past and present prime ministers, chief ministers, governors, and menteri besar for their birth certificates and places of birth.
2. Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission.
3. Malaysia Agreement and Malaysia Formation
4. Petroleum Development Act 1974 Act 144 and Petronas
5. Project IC or Project M for Sabah and Malaysia.
6. Double Six tragedy on 6 June, 1976.
7. Bank Negara.
As it is unlikely to have these RCIs in the present illegal Governments, an Interim Good Governance Government IGGG is desirable with Joshua YC Kong as the Prime Minister.
IMPORTANT: Be anti ILLEGAL Governments and I am NOT anti Governments.
ILLEGAL governments of the illegal people, by illegal people and for illegal people.
We are towards bankruptcy and nihilism because of illegal governments in illegal activities and profligacy – very bad for the economy and business development.
Summary of Seats discrepancies on Ballot Paper Issued GE 2004 (details of each sheet below)
Discrepancies No. of Parliament seats
Above 500 15
>200 and < 500 10
(NB: any discrepancies must be verified)
Summary of Seats discrepancies on Ballot Paper Issued GE 2008 (details of each sheet below)
Discrepancies No. of Parliament seats
Above 500 9
>200 and < 500 17
(NB: any discrepancies must be verified)
In conclusion, why waste trillions Ringgit (yes Trillions lost) for each General Election to be cheated by the Election Commission in the guise of democracy when the illegal, corrupted and desperate leaders don’t believe in democracy. Don’t believe the thieves can work for you morally.
I have written a lot more but a change of the illegal governments would be preferred.
I am not anti Government but I am anti ILLEGAL governments.
A lot more are in this blog -
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
General Election 13 can be meaningless and totally wasteful.
We have illegal Governments as general elections 2004 and 2008 had been rigged by Election Commission
as proven by the data of discrepancies of ballot papers issued for the Parliament seats and the respective state seats. (see below)
We can only hold General Elections after a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission.
Other Royal Commission of Inquiry for the following pressing issues:-
1. Status checks on past and present prime ministers, chief ministers, governors, and menteri besar for their birth certificates and places of birth.
2. Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission.
3. Malaysia Agreement and Malaysia Formation
4. Petroleum Development Act 1974 Act 144 and Petronas
5. Project IC or Project M for Sabah and Malaysia.
6. Double Six tragedy on 6 June, 1976.
7. Bank Negara.
As it is unlikely to have these RCIs in the present illegal Governments, an Interim Good Governance Government IGGG is desirable with Joshua YC Kong as the Prime Minister.
IMPORTANT: Be anti ILLEGAL Governments and I am NOT anti Governments.
ILLEGAL governments of the illegal people, by illegal people and for illegal people.
We are towards bankruptcy and nihilism because of illegal governments in illegal activities and profligacy – very bad for the economy and business development.
Summary of Seats discrepancies on Ballot Paper Issued GE 2004 (details of each sheet below)
Discrepancies No. of Parliament seats
Above 500 15
>200 and < 500 10
(NB: any discrepancies must be verified)
Summary of Seats discrepancies on Ballot Paper Issued GE 2008 (details of each sheet below)
Discrepancies No. of Parliament seats
Above 500 9
>200 and < 500 17
(NB: any discrepancies must be verified)
In conclusion, why waste trillions Ringgit (yes Trillions lost) for each General Election to be cheated by the Election Commission in the guise of democracy when the illegal, corrupted and desperate leaders don’t believe in democracy. Don’t believe the thieves can work for you morally.
I have written a lot more but a change of the illegal governments would be preferred.
I am not anti Government but I am anti ILLEGAL governments.
A lot more are in this blog -
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sabah on impending bankruptcy
JK’s digest 11 of May, 2011- some very important issues on Sabah on impending bankruptcy
It is timely to raise these issues before Sabah and Malaysia proceed to bankruptcy for obvious reasons since 1963.
It did not happen overnight or tomorrow by chance but by every evil deeds of the illegal leaders since 1963. The early illegal leaders looking for self glory were made very rich by raping the pristine rainforests by tens of thousands of acres until today the weather has gone to be so hot daily for long hours. Trillions of Ringgit have gone away and much more into the future as illegal desperate leaders are still very corrupted. Actually we have Ali Baba and more than 40 thieves. Ali is from Peninsula and Baba from Sarawak and the rest are known.
So many evil milestones are stuck in Sabah with all the curses around.
A few months ago, I wrote a digest saying that a Tan Sri also a state secretary was at the Air Traffic Control Tower on 6 June 1976 but it happens we now have at least three Tan Sri still around and it is only fair I now identify the person for a confession before it is too late. Was Tan Sri Richard Lind there? If he was there, please tell us the full story. It is important as our fossil oil reserves was decided soon after that.
There are other reasons why Sabah is going bust is because very precious pieces oil fields Block L and Block M were exchanged with Limbang when Sabah could lose out 5% of the estimated RM300 billions worth of oil in those two blocks. That is RM15 billions. Also how much fossil oil had been extracted from Sabah is also not properly accounted for.
I also sorry for still around in Sabah as a free spirit whistle blower although I left for the UK in 1974 after the unbearable whistle blowing on Tun M earlier. So today, I am around as PM in waiting for the IGGG Malaysia. It has been more than three decades since I came back on my birthday in 1980. A birthday gift for Sabah and Malaysia.
Today we have still so many evil stories to tell in Sabah vis-à-vis Malaysia.
It should be fresh in many minds that Datuk Chong Kah Kiat made an allegation in his Mazu civil suit that illegal Chief Minister Musa Aman would grab all the Government projects also as Finance Minister. This is true as we now hear that most of the major business and realty projects are linked to him. Should he not now declare it publicly?
It was reported that Musa Aman claimed that Federal Government had allocated Billions of Ringgit for Sabah and yet Datuk Masidi Manjun declared that the funds for tourism were too little and too late every year to implement those approved projects. So where have all those billions ringgit gone to?
It was also reported that UMNO strongmen demand to be made Assemblymen to raise many more issues affecting the people even in UMNO constituencies. Why are these issues not raised by the present incumbents also UMNO representatives including Musa Aman who has his hands in many projects big and small.
Now as Security Chief in Sabah, what has Musa Aman to say about the release of Akjan unconditionally? Is he not the same birds flocking together to harm Sabah until it is bankrupt?
Is it not a bad thing that the winners grab all in Sabah especially since 1994’s power grab by UMNO as guided by Anwar?
Is it right that Musa Aman be the illegal Chief Minister and also the Finance Minister grabbing all the ill gotten gains?
It is also timely that a paradigm shift be in place as a check and balance for the ways investment incomes to be handled by the illegal Government for hidden agenda. This should be a national outlook especially when the illegal Federal Government talks of transformation.
So let this be the transformation now.
As we know all the investments of the State of Sabah are nothing to speak of as lots of such investments were just unaccounted for. I wonder if there is a register of all those investments by Sabah Government since 1963? If we add them together, we may see for ourselves that those few dividends declared for the State Government as shareholders are still negligible.
It is only appropriate that those dividends far and little apart – should be channeled to public trust funds to be managed for the people independently of the illegal Government with illegal leaders using those dividends for their pet projects. That is only right as these investments were derived initially from pubic funds. Sabah lost its only bank with Billions of Ringgit gone and yet nothing was pursued in public interest. The dividends from public funds as investments if given to the consumers at large, there would be some multiplying effect rather that the practice of lopsidedness to benefit some illegal leaders and their cronies in nepotism. Have you wondered when Sabah has so many foreign made luxurious sport cars ‘cruising’ in the poor roads of Sabah?
The same paradigm shift in the handling of dividends of public fund investments be also applied in the national context to be distributed equitably rather than to certain privileged group only as in so many bail outs for failed projects.
The other paradigm shift is the tremendous amount of penalties so derived from non compliance to various regulations under all the Acts be applied for the purpose of rectifying such shortcomings. Do the illegal national leaders know how much of such penalties are channeled to the nation coffer? I think it must be billions of Ringgit annually only to be wasted in pet projects of the illegal leaders. I think the purpose of penalties is to find corrective measures for whatever systems for the customers. Such sums collected from penalties should be used for educating all consumers for good governance measures and instead all consumers are penalized to pay their own high fees to attend various forums and seminars. If the penalties continue to be high years after years, it is another indication of the impending bankruptcy as there is a limit as how much any consumer can afford to pay those penalties. Such penalties for non compliance is not the faults of some consumers only and it is attributable to weakness of the systems where human resources failures have arisen. Is it right or wrong, for the Government or its agencies to be ignorant and slack in its business of regulating and then just starting to examine their own failures years or even decades later and collecting arrears in revenue and the penalties thereof? Collecting arrears can be a factor sliding to bankruptcy.
A lot more can be written but a change of the illegal governments would be preferred.
I am not anti Government but I am anti ILLEGAL governments.
A lot more are in this blog -
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
It is timely to raise these issues before Sabah and Malaysia proceed to bankruptcy for obvious reasons since 1963.
It did not happen overnight or tomorrow by chance but by every evil deeds of the illegal leaders since 1963. The early illegal leaders looking for self glory were made very rich by raping the pristine rainforests by tens of thousands of acres until today the weather has gone to be so hot daily for long hours. Trillions of Ringgit have gone away and much more into the future as illegal desperate leaders are still very corrupted. Actually we have Ali Baba and more than 40 thieves. Ali is from Peninsula and Baba from Sarawak and the rest are known.
So many evil milestones are stuck in Sabah with all the curses around.
A few months ago, I wrote a digest saying that a Tan Sri also a state secretary was at the Air Traffic Control Tower on 6 June 1976 but it happens we now have at least three Tan Sri still around and it is only fair I now identify the person for a confession before it is too late. Was Tan Sri Richard Lind there? If he was there, please tell us the full story. It is important as our fossil oil reserves was decided soon after that.
There are other reasons why Sabah is going bust is because very precious pieces oil fields Block L and Block M were exchanged with Limbang when Sabah could lose out 5% of the estimated RM300 billions worth of oil in those two blocks. That is RM15 billions. Also how much fossil oil had been extracted from Sabah is also not properly accounted for.
I also sorry for still around in Sabah as a free spirit whistle blower although I left for the UK in 1974 after the unbearable whistle blowing on Tun M earlier. So today, I am around as PM in waiting for the IGGG Malaysia. It has been more than three decades since I came back on my birthday in 1980. A birthday gift for Sabah and Malaysia.
Today we have still so many evil stories to tell in Sabah vis-à-vis Malaysia.
It should be fresh in many minds that Datuk Chong Kah Kiat made an allegation in his Mazu civil suit that illegal Chief Minister Musa Aman would grab all the Government projects also as Finance Minister. This is true as we now hear that most of the major business and realty projects are linked to him. Should he not now declare it publicly?
It was reported that Musa Aman claimed that Federal Government had allocated Billions of Ringgit for Sabah and yet Datuk Masidi Manjun declared that the funds for tourism were too little and too late every year to implement those approved projects. So where have all those billions ringgit gone to?
It was also reported that UMNO strongmen demand to be made Assemblymen to raise many more issues affecting the people even in UMNO constituencies. Why are these issues not raised by the present incumbents also UMNO representatives including Musa Aman who has his hands in many projects big and small.
Now as Security Chief in Sabah, what has Musa Aman to say about the release of Akjan unconditionally? Is he not the same birds flocking together to harm Sabah until it is bankrupt?
Is it not a bad thing that the winners grab all in Sabah especially since 1994’s power grab by UMNO as guided by Anwar?
Is it right that Musa Aman be the illegal Chief Minister and also the Finance Minister grabbing all the ill gotten gains?
It is also timely that a paradigm shift be in place as a check and balance for the ways investment incomes to be handled by the illegal Government for hidden agenda. This should be a national outlook especially when the illegal Federal Government talks of transformation.
So let this be the transformation now.
As we know all the investments of the State of Sabah are nothing to speak of as lots of such investments were just unaccounted for. I wonder if there is a register of all those investments by Sabah Government since 1963? If we add them together, we may see for ourselves that those few dividends declared for the State Government as shareholders are still negligible.
It is only appropriate that those dividends far and little apart – should be channeled to public trust funds to be managed for the people independently of the illegal Government with illegal leaders using those dividends for their pet projects. That is only right as these investments were derived initially from pubic funds. Sabah lost its only bank with Billions of Ringgit gone and yet nothing was pursued in public interest. The dividends from public funds as investments if given to the consumers at large, there would be some multiplying effect rather that the practice of lopsidedness to benefit some illegal leaders and their cronies in nepotism. Have you wondered when Sabah has so many foreign made luxurious sport cars ‘cruising’ in the poor roads of Sabah?
The same paradigm shift in the handling of dividends of public fund investments be also applied in the national context to be distributed equitably rather than to certain privileged group only as in so many bail outs for failed projects.
The other paradigm shift is the tremendous amount of penalties so derived from non compliance to various regulations under all the Acts be applied for the purpose of rectifying such shortcomings. Do the illegal national leaders know how much of such penalties are channeled to the nation coffer? I think it must be billions of Ringgit annually only to be wasted in pet projects of the illegal leaders. I think the purpose of penalties is to find corrective measures for whatever systems for the customers. Such sums collected from penalties should be used for educating all consumers for good governance measures and instead all consumers are penalized to pay their own high fees to attend various forums and seminars. If the penalties continue to be high years after years, it is another indication of the impending bankruptcy as there is a limit as how much any consumer can afford to pay those penalties. Such penalties for non compliance is not the faults of some consumers only and it is attributable to weakness of the systems where human resources failures have arisen. Is it right or wrong, for the Government or its agencies to be ignorant and slack in its business of regulating and then just starting to examine their own failures years or even decades later and collecting arrears in revenue and the penalties thereof? Collecting arrears can be a factor sliding to bankruptcy.
A lot more can be written but a change of the illegal governments would be preferred.
I am not anti Government but I am anti ILLEGAL governments.
A lot more are in this blog -
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Halal food is sensitive and a ‘taboo’ topic
JK’s digest 10 of May 2011 – Halal food is sensitive and a ‘taboo’ topic
Despite it is a ‘sensitive’ issue, I am doing it as a ex deputy president of Sabah Consumers Association better known as CASH and now I am chairman of Koperasi Pengguna with the credit of doing business and not voicing out consumers issues.
I am encouraged to do this as Datuk Nazri told us we can handle anything seditious like what Datuk Ibrahim Ali said “jihad on Christians”. Also UMNO Youth leader call for a freeze on halal certificates subject to full audit. Why?
I tell you this halal matter is damn serious issue and need a book of at least 1,000 pages to deal with it to disseminate such public information to all consumers Muslims and otherwise. But who is going to do that? Don’t fault me for trying this short article hence I am going to ask many questions rather than giving my views. My views maybe misconstrued as anti Islam in short while some people accuse me anti Government when I am anti ILLEGAL government. You know all about the ILLEGAL governments installed by the massive corruption of the Election Commission which had rigged most general elections. You many want to lodge Police Report.
The halal issue is always in the lips of most Muslims especially the pious ones. The issue is the greatest challenge to any consumer and consumer group. So I am going to bring you nearer to the edge of this issue as we can fall any time on this topic.
If your heart is heated now and your pulse is pumping very fast, I am sorry for bringing up this crucial and critical issue. Please cool down now and see the simple logic I am going to touch in our practical lives and practical living.
Who say food is expensive? If it is expensive, why is it that a third of the food is thrown away especially in the western world? You mean you are not throwing away foods especially cooked foods? Go to any restaurant and hotels, you can see that. Aren’t these foods halal? Aren’t these foods tasty? Aren’t these foods clean and healthy? Then why throw away so much foods? Are we also greedy even when we are almost full? Why are foods left on the plates? Were some of these foods recycled and recook in another way to be served again? Were some of the cooked foods leftover from earlier meals? So there are bound to be lots of foods to be thrown away only to be recycled in other ways. Whatever it is foods are going to be very expensive very soon as this sector also needs to catch up to the rising fuel costs.
What has this expensive food to do with thrown away foods? I think some people have to do a survey with this problem. As the west is facing more Muslim immigrants (Muslims want to conquer and rule the world) and more eateries are bound to appear in the market place. Due to the choices available to all consumers and some consumers going for the halal items while some prefer to stick to their own ways, surely more foods would be thrown away when supplies exceed demand resulting in stale foods not uneaten leftover foods.
So many may start to query if such eateries of whatever characteristics are really halal especially those who declare themselves “sell no pork”. I think halal foods go beyond the ‘pork’ issue. Chickens or any animals must be slaughtered in the Islamic ways, if I am not wrong. What else are required to comply with the ‘halal’ issue? I should think it is endless for many although some may compromise for the good of society. Maybe Perkasa can tell us in their next outburst.
I don’t want to bring in the religion connection when we are in a mixed group and the equilibrium can be distorted when consumption is concerned as every eatery has to capture a fair share of the market to stay alive. Some people cannot even sit in a non halal shop. So when the magnet of the majority group is applied, more consumers would be directed to go to the halal eateries so as to keep most people happy when the minority has no choice. By the way, are these eateries really halal if the latest direction from the UMNO Youth leader is to be considered valid? I don’t know the real reason behind this latest directive but there are enough reasons known that had affected the halal certification. The knowledgeable ones, please enlighten me. Most people seem to be happy so far and why now? What had been consumed is done and done with? Good or bad reasons for the freeze are open to debate.
To some people the halal issue can be simple but in the practical aspects it can be very complex. Suffice me to say that in today’s marketplace, there are so many daily items local and imported ranging from the raw items to the processed ones so much so how do we ensure that such foods items are halal in the true sense of the word? Goods and bulky ingredients come from all countries of the world daily and how can we check them for its halal properties? Who are going to pay for those auditing/checking of the food and ingredient items both local and imported? For practical reasons, who would wait for the verification before consuming them? Even for medicine, how do we wait for the verification before the patients consume them in time of sickness?
If you just want a halal certificate from wherever the goods originate, you may get them if those countries want to comply with that for formality sake.
The question of healthwise in term of hygiene may arise on any foods be it halal or otherwise. The begging question is that is any halal item a guarantee against food poisoning or stomach ache?
Would halal foods be more expensive as it has gone through a complete process of vetting? Prices are very sensitive to the consumers, and the public response would be interesting for attention. The choice of hunger and halal may pose a great challenge to many consumers.
There are so many ways to maintain our health – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Some people may hold strong views against consumption of halal foods and some may care to find that out yourself. That is obvious a sensitive issue.
We need to consume all types of legitimate foods available in the market provided they are nourishing and healthy.
Nevertheless, a review of halal certification would be an exercise to alert all consumers. Is the earth that we live on halal or not after so much pollution of all sort? We are what we eat and so it is important that we pay special attention to our foods especially when eating outside. How would we be assured that foods at the eateries are guaranteed halal? How would we be assured that the environment we live in is halal? That is not my problems but this issue is always raised at meeting of the Sabah Consumers Association.
I hope this article can keep us better informed.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Despite it is a ‘sensitive’ issue, I am doing it as a ex deputy president of Sabah Consumers Association better known as CASH and now I am chairman of Koperasi Pengguna with the credit of doing business and not voicing out consumers issues.
I am encouraged to do this as Datuk Nazri told us we can handle anything seditious like what Datuk Ibrahim Ali said “jihad on Christians”. Also UMNO Youth leader call for a freeze on halal certificates subject to full audit. Why?
I tell you this halal matter is damn serious issue and need a book of at least 1,000 pages to deal with it to disseminate such public information to all consumers Muslims and otherwise. But who is going to do that? Don’t fault me for trying this short article hence I am going to ask many questions rather than giving my views. My views maybe misconstrued as anti Islam in short while some people accuse me anti Government when I am anti ILLEGAL government. You know all about the ILLEGAL governments installed by the massive corruption of the Election Commission which had rigged most general elections. You many want to lodge Police Report.
The halal issue is always in the lips of most Muslims especially the pious ones. The issue is the greatest challenge to any consumer and consumer group. So I am going to bring you nearer to the edge of this issue as we can fall any time on this topic.
If your heart is heated now and your pulse is pumping very fast, I am sorry for bringing up this crucial and critical issue. Please cool down now and see the simple logic I am going to touch in our practical lives and practical living.
Who say food is expensive? If it is expensive, why is it that a third of the food is thrown away especially in the western world? You mean you are not throwing away foods especially cooked foods? Go to any restaurant and hotels, you can see that. Aren’t these foods halal? Aren’t these foods tasty? Aren’t these foods clean and healthy? Then why throw away so much foods? Are we also greedy even when we are almost full? Why are foods left on the plates? Were some of these foods recycled and recook in another way to be served again? Were some of the cooked foods leftover from earlier meals? So there are bound to be lots of foods to be thrown away only to be recycled in other ways. Whatever it is foods are going to be very expensive very soon as this sector also needs to catch up to the rising fuel costs.
What has this expensive food to do with thrown away foods? I think some people have to do a survey with this problem. As the west is facing more Muslim immigrants (Muslims want to conquer and rule the world) and more eateries are bound to appear in the market place. Due to the choices available to all consumers and some consumers going for the halal items while some prefer to stick to their own ways, surely more foods would be thrown away when supplies exceed demand resulting in stale foods not uneaten leftover foods.
So many may start to query if such eateries of whatever characteristics are really halal especially those who declare themselves “sell no pork”. I think halal foods go beyond the ‘pork’ issue. Chickens or any animals must be slaughtered in the Islamic ways, if I am not wrong. What else are required to comply with the ‘halal’ issue? I should think it is endless for many although some may compromise for the good of society. Maybe Perkasa can tell us in their next outburst.
I don’t want to bring in the religion connection when we are in a mixed group and the equilibrium can be distorted when consumption is concerned as every eatery has to capture a fair share of the market to stay alive. Some people cannot even sit in a non halal shop. So when the magnet of the majority group is applied, more consumers would be directed to go to the halal eateries so as to keep most people happy when the minority has no choice. By the way, are these eateries really halal if the latest direction from the UMNO Youth leader is to be considered valid? I don’t know the real reason behind this latest directive but there are enough reasons known that had affected the halal certification. The knowledgeable ones, please enlighten me. Most people seem to be happy so far and why now? What had been consumed is done and done with? Good or bad reasons for the freeze are open to debate.
To some people the halal issue can be simple but in the practical aspects it can be very complex. Suffice me to say that in today’s marketplace, there are so many daily items local and imported ranging from the raw items to the processed ones so much so how do we ensure that such foods items are halal in the true sense of the word? Goods and bulky ingredients come from all countries of the world daily and how can we check them for its halal properties? Who are going to pay for those auditing/checking of the food and ingredient items both local and imported? For practical reasons, who would wait for the verification before consuming them? Even for medicine, how do we wait for the verification before the patients consume them in time of sickness?
If you just want a halal certificate from wherever the goods originate, you may get them if those countries want to comply with that for formality sake.
The question of healthwise in term of hygiene may arise on any foods be it halal or otherwise. The begging question is that is any halal item a guarantee against food poisoning or stomach ache?
Would halal foods be more expensive as it has gone through a complete process of vetting? Prices are very sensitive to the consumers, and the public response would be interesting for attention. The choice of hunger and halal may pose a great challenge to many consumers.
There are so many ways to maintain our health – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Some people may hold strong views against consumption of halal foods and some may care to find that out yourself. That is obvious a sensitive issue.
We need to consume all types of legitimate foods available in the market provided they are nourishing and healthy.
Nevertheless, a review of halal certification would be an exercise to alert all consumers. Is the earth that we live on halal or not after so much pollution of all sort? We are what we eat and so it is important that we pay special attention to our foods especially when eating outside. How would we be assured that foods at the eateries are guaranteed halal? How would we be assured that the environment we live in is halal? That is not my problems but this issue is always raised at meeting of the Sabah Consumers Association.
I hope this article can keep us better informed.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission
JK’s digest 9 of May 2011 – Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission
I would like to call on the YDP Agung to proceed to initiate a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission RCIEC on the law and implementation of electoral system in Malaysia.
This is the most pressing issue as the General Election 13 looms. It has been confirmed by the records of EC that GE 2004 and GE2008 had been rigged by Election Commission.
In any football match or any games if the referee and sidesmen are impartial, how can any league competitions go on?
It has been 50 years of democratic practice only in name and we have is an illegal Government and I am anti ILLEGAL Governments.
So I would like to spell out the terms and conditions of the RCIEC as follows:-
1. The scrutiny of laws and regulations and its implementation including preparation of electoral rolls and the regular delineations of the constituencies and their weightage of area and population density.
2. The related Government agencies dealing with the Election Commission at General Elections such as the local authorities, the Police, the Printers and the work force.
3. The system and records of the ballot boxes and the ballot papers as printed.
4. The process of nominations and campaigns and polling day including transport of ballot boxes and the counting of votes.
5. The regulation of the costs of campaign materials and resources with the prescribed limits for the respective state and parliament seats.
6. The role of mass media of government and private sectors.
Only after a RCIEC and its recommendations and appropriate amendment of the laws and regulations can there be ever an improvement of General Elections in a democratic exercise of fair, free and true elections. Otherwise it is really a waste of public funds of billions of Ringgit in every general election with questionable incoming Governments.
I sincerely think this RCIEC is only possible and meaningful if done under the supervision of an Interim Good Governance Government IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
I would like to call on the YDP Agung to proceed to initiate a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission RCIEC on the law and implementation of electoral system in Malaysia.
This is the most pressing issue as the General Election 13 looms. It has been confirmed by the records of EC that GE 2004 and GE2008 had been rigged by Election Commission.
In any football match or any games if the referee and sidesmen are impartial, how can any league competitions go on?
It has been 50 years of democratic practice only in name and we have is an illegal Government and I am anti ILLEGAL Governments.
So I would like to spell out the terms and conditions of the RCIEC as follows:-
1. The scrutiny of laws and regulations and its implementation including preparation of electoral rolls and the regular delineations of the constituencies and their weightage of area and population density.
2. The related Government agencies dealing with the Election Commission at General Elections such as the local authorities, the Police, the Printers and the work force.
3. The system and records of the ballot boxes and the ballot papers as printed.
4. The process of nominations and campaigns and polling day including transport of ballot boxes and the counting of votes.
5. The regulation of the costs of campaign materials and resources with the prescribed limits for the respective state and parliament seats.
6. The role of mass media of government and private sectors.
Only after a RCIEC and its recommendations and appropriate amendment of the laws and regulations can there be ever an improvement of General Elections in a democratic exercise of fair, free and true elections. Otherwise it is really a waste of public funds of billions of Ringgit in every general election with questionable incoming Governments.
I sincerely think this RCIEC is only possible and meaningful if done under the supervision of an Interim Good Governance Government IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Monday, May 16, 2011
US$20b (RM60b) Petronas Refinery in Johore
JK’s digest 8 of May, 2011 – the massive US$20b (RM60b) Petronas Refinery in Johore
“The Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (RAPID) will be commissioned by the end of 2016 as Malaysia aims to become a world class integrated oil, gas and petrochemical trading hub.”
So this massive project is to start very soon to be ready in 2016 and it would be very impressive to complete such a massive project in 4/5 years. There have been many projects of much smaller size to have taken much longer time to complete. It is also likely in Malaysia boleh tradition that the cost would be double by the time it is completed especially so with prices of foods and materials going up much very fast.
Nevermind about that RAPID project which may bring the nation into quicker bankruptcy in rapid style. I am not so sure of the impact of this project in our economy but I am going into a long session of Q & A after the preliminary introduction.
I have not been into the Petroleum industry but I had lodged at least two Police Reports on Petroleum Act 1974 Act 144 and the Petronas in 2006 and 2008. Of course these reports fall on the deaf ears of the Police, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission and the illegal Government. Like Suhakam’s annual reports since 2000, I think Petronas annual reports are also not debated in Parliament.
This RAPID project would definitely go ahead as it is the illegal Prime Minister who has the final say under the Act 144 without consulting the Parliament and the people especially the oil producing states in Malaysia as it a Petronas project fully self financed in a dream.
It is public knowledge that the crude oil price is dependent on the market and now USA is also going into its own home ground production to bring down the global oil price while Middle East oil producers are mired in political turmoil. Malaysian taxation is also very much dependent on the revenue of Petronas to boost up the annual fiscal budget. How would this project affect its contribution to the annual fiscal budget when RAPID is started? Maybe the illegal Government is trying to balance out the likely deficit with substantial reduction of subsidies and the introduction of Goods and Service Tax GST.
The impact of this shift also needs to be assessed on the costs of living of the people.
While the information on RAPID is sketchy at the moment, here come my list of questions (not exhaustive):-
Project Site:-
1. Where exactly is the project site on 1,012 hectares of coastal land in the state.
2. Is this coastal land somewhere near to Singapore?
3. Johore’s crooked bridge at the causeway has been aborted with much financial loss and would similar fate occur with RAPID?
4. What about the Environmental Impact Assessment EIA be done?
Fund and shareholders
1. Where would Petronas gets its immediate fund for the RAPID project?
2. If it has other shareholders, who are the other local shareholders?
3. Would this project be debated at the Parliament as it is not in the Ten Malaysia
Plan and Government Transformation Programme?
4. If it is to be debated in Parliament, when would that be held before further costs are incurred?
Project’s economic feasibility
Market of the finished products
1. What is the annual value of the finished products to justify such investment?
2. Would Peninsular Malaysia be the major market for these few products?
3. What is the export market like and its competitiveness?
Raw materials and technology
1. Where would the raw materials such as the crude oil come from?
2. Is the crude oil coming from Peninsula states?
3. Is the crude oil coming from Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak?
4. What is the status of crude oil in Borneo states in term of reserves?
5. In what proportion of the cost of the project is the technology part?
6. Where would the technology come from?
General questions:-
1. Why RAPID cannot be set up in Sabah in desperate need of such mega project?
2. If the crude oils come from Sabah and Sarawak, would there be saving in transit cost?
3. Would it not a win-win scenario that we can do away with the Cabotage policy with much more containers load for the finished products from Sabah as Sabah container port has much unutilized capacity?
4. Why is this proposed project still on the drawing board be a topic for press release prematurely?
5. Is it like another Bakun dam committed suddenly just in time for the Sabah General Election 1994 when massive fund was transferred to Sabah?
6. How would this project affect the livelihood of the people in the decade of development economically and environmentally?
7. How would this project impact the Sabah scenario as far as the accountability of the 5% royalty is concerned when some people is calling for 20%?
8. Would the feasibility study be made public?
If this sudden conceived RAPID project is going to snowballed into double figure like RM120 billions within the decades, it is difficulty for the nation to sustain it. Watch it.
It is public knowledge that Act 144 and Petronas had been treated by prime ministers as pet project since 1974 with untold hardship for the people and no interest/desire to amend the Petroleum Act, it is timely to appoint a new PM under the Interim Good Governance Government so that a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Petroleum Act and Petronas can be established.
Our people needs to rise up to the challenge.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
“The Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (RAPID) will be commissioned by the end of 2016 as Malaysia aims to become a world class integrated oil, gas and petrochemical trading hub.”
So this massive project is to start very soon to be ready in 2016 and it would be very impressive to complete such a massive project in 4/5 years. There have been many projects of much smaller size to have taken much longer time to complete. It is also likely in Malaysia boleh tradition that the cost would be double by the time it is completed especially so with prices of foods and materials going up much very fast.
Nevermind about that RAPID project which may bring the nation into quicker bankruptcy in rapid style. I am not so sure of the impact of this project in our economy but I am going into a long session of Q & A after the preliminary introduction.
I have not been into the Petroleum industry but I had lodged at least two Police Reports on Petroleum Act 1974 Act 144 and the Petronas in 2006 and 2008. Of course these reports fall on the deaf ears of the Police, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission and the illegal Government. Like Suhakam’s annual reports since 2000, I think Petronas annual reports are also not debated in Parliament.
This RAPID project would definitely go ahead as it is the illegal Prime Minister who has the final say under the Act 144 without consulting the Parliament and the people especially the oil producing states in Malaysia as it a Petronas project fully self financed in a dream.
It is public knowledge that the crude oil price is dependent on the market and now USA is also going into its own home ground production to bring down the global oil price while Middle East oil producers are mired in political turmoil. Malaysian taxation is also very much dependent on the revenue of Petronas to boost up the annual fiscal budget. How would this project affect its contribution to the annual fiscal budget when RAPID is started? Maybe the illegal Government is trying to balance out the likely deficit with substantial reduction of subsidies and the introduction of Goods and Service Tax GST.
The impact of this shift also needs to be assessed on the costs of living of the people.
While the information on RAPID is sketchy at the moment, here come my list of questions (not exhaustive):-
Project Site:-
1. Where exactly is the project site on 1,012 hectares of coastal land in the state.
2. Is this coastal land somewhere near to Singapore?
3. Johore’s crooked bridge at the causeway has been aborted with much financial loss and would similar fate occur with RAPID?
4. What about the Environmental Impact Assessment EIA be done?
Fund and shareholders
1. Where would Petronas gets its immediate fund for the RAPID project?
2. If it has other shareholders, who are the other local shareholders?
3. Would this project be debated at the Parliament as it is not in the Ten Malaysia
Plan and Government Transformation Programme?
4. If it is to be debated in Parliament, when would that be held before further costs are incurred?
Project’s economic feasibility
Market of the finished products
1. What is the annual value of the finished products to justify such investment?
2. Would Peninsular Malaysia be the major market for these few products?
3. What is the export market like and its competitiveness?
Raw materials and technology
1. Where would the raw materials such as the crude oil come from?
2. Is the crude oil coming from Peninsula states?
3. Is the crude oil coming from Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak?
4. What is the status of crude oil in Borneo states in term of reserves?
5. In what proportion of the cost of the project is the technology part?
6. Where would the technology come from?
General questions:-
1. Why RAPID cannot be set up in Sabah in desperate need of such mega project?
2. If the crude oils come from Sabah and Sarawak, would there be saving in transit cost?
3. Would it not a win-win scenario that we can do away with the Cabotage policy with much more containers load for the finished products from Sabah as Sabah container port has much unutilized capacity?
4. Why is this proposed project still on the drawing board be a topic for press release prematurely?
5. Is it like another Bakun dam committed suddenly just in time for the Sabah General Election 1994 when massive fund was transferred to Sabah?
6. How would this project affect the livelihood of the people in the decade of development economically and environmentally?
7. How would this project impact the Sabah scenario as far as the accountability of the 5% royalty is concerned when some people is calling for 20%?
8. Would the feasibility study be made public?
If this sudden conceived RAPID project is going to snowballed into double figure like RM120 billions within the decades, it is difficulty for the nation to sustain it. Watch it.
It is public knowledge that Act 144 and Petronas had been treated by prime ministers as pet project since 1974 with untold hardship for the people and no interest/desire to amend the Petroleum Act, it is timely to appoint a new PM under the Interim Good Governance Government so that a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Petroleum Act and Petronas can be established.
Our people needs to rise up to the challenge.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A challenge like Goliath and David
Jk’s digest 7 of May 2011 – A challenge like Goliath and David
I am not going to talk about race and religion but referring this incident in the Bible is like what we have today when Datuk Ibrahim Ali DIA is trying to be the Goliath and the Christian at large is the little David.
What I hear about DIA in so many words especially in the Internet, DIA had been challenging non Malays or non Muslims for a few years already in defence of Malay and Malay rights.
Today with the latest alleged episode in Penang of DAP and the Christian pastors in the presence of a Malay recently, it is now very highly charged as far as harmony, peace and personal space are concerned.
Now DIA had focused on Christians threatening a sort of crusade against Christians in Malaysia including myself. I honestly do not understand his modus operandi except he appears to have been given too much space in trouble making stirring whatever he finds in his path. If he was to settle the score with the Penang group, he should only do that and not drag in everyone who is a Christian. It looks like his cable with Utusan Malaysia had misfired and trying to salvage his pride of whatever.
What is his personal agenda as an independent Member of Parliament and President of Perkasa? What is his hidden agenda, may I ask?
DIA had also blamed the infiltration of communists into that Penang scenario but he is not having a crusade against the communists.
May I know what kind of crusade he is going to pursue against the Christians. Is it to be in violent stance? Or is he trying to make himself a very big fool in Malaysia?
If Perkasa is trying to do something untoward and undesirable in Malaysia, Perkasa should be disbanded. As an independent member of parliament he only represents his constituents in his seat in Kelantan. All he can do is to voice out some issues and not threatening anything against any specific group.
Since the group of socalled church leaders that met with the illegal Prime Minister recently did not represent all the Christians in all personal matters, I would like to ask the Prime Minister to clarify the parameters of the official religion of Islam in Malaysia? Najib wants the people to respect Islam, but did he respect Christianity when he was to go to the Bishop’s open house at Christmas last year?
I also know Christians and Christian clergy would not like to step into the threatening posture of the Goliath for fear of embracing known and unknown sensitivity. There is never to be a physical encounter here.
Since DIA is threatening all Christians in Malaysia with crusade, I have to write this one to bounce of him to wake him up to the reality of a multi racial society.
The pulse of the nation is obvious in recent years especially since GE 2008 and the nervousness as exposed since Sarawak General Election has exacerbated the erosion of the illegal Government.
To do justice for the nation, there is no fear to have a Christian Prime Minister. It is just the right panacea after 53 years for the prevailing meaningless politicking at its height towards an irrecoverable slide.
General Election in a democratic system is a welcome but the rigged elections by the Election Commission is a farce to mislead others.
Give the nation a new lease of normal life with the appointment of Prime Minister of Interim Good Governance Government IGGG.
I am ready to helm the IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
I am not going to talk about race and religion but referring this incident in the Bible is like what we have today when Datuk Ibrahim Ali DIA is trying to be the Goliath and the Christian at large is the little David.
What I hear about DIA in so many words especially in the Internet, DIA had been challenging non Malays or non Muslims for a few years already in defence of Malay and Malay rights.
Today with the latest alleged episode in Penang of DAP and the Christian pastors in the presence of a Malay recently, it is now very highly charged as far as harmony, peace and personal space are concerned.
Now DIA had focused on Christians threatening a sort of crusade against Christians in Malaysia including myself. I honestly do not understand his modus operandi except he appears to have been given too much space in trouble making stirring whatever he finds in his path. If he was to settle the score with the Penang group, he should only do that and not drag in everyone who is a Christian. It looks like his cable with Utusan Malaysia had misfired and trying to salvage his pride of whatever.
What is his personal agenda as an independent Member of Parliament and President of Perkasa? What is his hidden agenda, may I ask?
DIA had also blamed the infiltration of communists into that Penang scenario but he is not having a crusade against the communists.
May I know what kind of crusade he is going to pursue against the Christians. Is it to be in violent stance? Or is he trying to make himself a very big fool in Malaysia?
If Perkasa is trying to do something untoward and undesirable in Malaysia, Perkasa should be disbanded. As an independent member of parliament he only represents his constituents in his seat in Kelantan. All he can do is to voice out some issues and not threatening anything against any specific group.
Since the group of socalled church leaders that met with the illegal Prime Minister recently did not represent all the Christians in all personal matters, I would like to ask the Prime Minister to clarify the parameters of the official religion of Islam in Malaysia? Najib wants the people to respect Islam, but did he respect Christianity when he was to go to the Bishop’s open house at Christmas last year?
I also know Christians and Christian clergy would not like to step into the threatening posture of the Goliath for fear of embracing known and unknown sensitivity. There is never to be a physical encounter here.
Since DIA is threatening all Christians in Malaysia with crusade, I have to write this one to bounce of him to wake him up to the reality of a multi racial society.
The pulse of the nation is obvious in recent years especially since GE 2008 and the nervousness as exposed since Sarawak General Election has exacerbated the erosion of the illegal Government.
To do justice for the nation, there is no fear to have a Christian Prime Minister. It is just the right panacea after 53 years for the prevailing meaningless politicking at its height towards an irrecoverable slide.
General Election in a democratic system is a welcome but the rigged elections by the Election Commission is a farce to mislead others.
Give the nation a new lease of normal life with the appointment of Prime Minister of Interim Good Governance Government IGGG.
I am ready to helm the IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
the genetic lessons from my dogs.
Jk’s digest 6 of May 2011 – the genetic lessons from my dogs.
I know this is a sensitive issue for many and let it be very many good lessons I have learned from dogs and in some cases also known as guinea pigs.
Don’t want to read this is not my problems but my problems of looking after many dogs for two recent decades have provided the silver lining in my life.
The dogs are very intelligent in many ways which need a book to tell a true story of my painstaking experience. They are the best security guards in my recent years.
They are also very good examples to teach us and in this case a genetic issue.
Concerned about the genetic issue on our food and the genetic crisis in reproduction of animals and our own human race, then read on for our own good.
I have been told by a veterinary doctor than a bitch cannot have copulation with own puppy male. When that happens the unborn puppies would be in danger of survival.
I have this bitch named Euro since 2007 obtained from the jungle where I live. She had been healthy and had given birth to three sets of beautiful puppies since then on 8th June, 2009 (7), 12 February, 2010 (8) and 25 September, 2010 (8) and quite well spaced. On 13 May, 2011, Euro gave a delivery and none of the puppies survived and likely premature delivery.
The reason is obvious. I had observed that Euro had for a long time rejected the advances of her male offsprings but somehow she succumbed to that in March 2011. So it is confirmed of the premature delivery without any living puppy.
I do not know if we accept this lesson or not, genetically, healthwise and sustainability.
If it is a genetic factor, then what is the danger of using commercial genetic mosquitoes to deal with the challenge of dengue and malaria in our midst? The results of the genetic modified mosquitoes had been proven only in enclosed area, and what happen in the wild is anybody guess.
If it is a genetic factor in Euro, then what are the unknown consequences in the foods we eat daily grown modified by genetic manipulation? Many will say that we do not import GMO foods which can be tested if we can afford to that on thousands of items daily. What about those unknown and undisclosed items of ingredients in our processed foods which can be in any forms and any number of imports?
What about the expired food or expired ingredients in our processed foods? I wonder who label the expiry dates of bulky rice, maize etc. Who would label the expired ingredients in our processed foods? I think GMO foods have been considered more ‘sustainable’ in production and hence the expiry date can be longer but is it really healthy for our food consumption? Tell me who have done such researches to decide for us? Some premature food can present problems.
I am not going to touch on the impacts of most human beings where inbreeding is so common. So we have insurmountable challenge in this sector swallowing the precious resources of the earth getting scarcer for an increasing trend of rising people with lots more problems known and unknown.
The answers is for you to think about as I cannot offer good answers as a man in wilderness.
Maybe with me at the PM of IGGG of Malaysia, we can do something together even if this is sensitive until doom of the human race.
There is a misguided concept that some powerful quarter want to reduce the world population to a quarter of the present status. With that self induced reduction, we too would consume so much global resources especially the burial grounds of over 5 billion people in such a short time.
Good thinking for all.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
I know this is a sensitive issue for many and let it be very many good lessons I have learned from dogs and in some cases also known as guinea pigs.
Don’t want to read this is not my problems but my problems of looking after many dogs for two recent decades have provided the silver lining in my life.
The dogs are very intelligent in many ways which need a book to tell a true story of my painstaking experience. They are the best security guards in my recent years.
They are also very good examples to teach us and in this case a genetic issue.
Concerned about the genetic issue on our food and the genetic crisis in reproduction of animals and our own human race, then read on for our own good.
I have been told by a veterinary doctor than a bitch cannot have copulation with own puppy male. When that happens the unborn puppies would be in danger of survival.
I have this bitch named Euro since 2007 obtained from the jungle where I live. She had been healthy and had given birth to three sets of beautiful puppies since then on 8th June, 2009 (7), 12 February, 2010 (8) and 25 September, 2010 (8) and quite well spaced. On 13 May, 2011, Euro gave a delivery and none of the puppies survived and likely premature delivery.
The reason is obvious. I had observed that Euro had for a long time rejected the advances of her male offsprings but somehow she succumbed to that in March 2011. So it is confirmed of the premature delivery without any living puppy.
I do not know if we accept this lesson or not, genetically, healthwise and sustainability.
If it is a genetic factor, then what is the danger of using commercial genetic mosquitoes to deal with the challenge of dengue and malaria in our midst? The results of the genetic modified mosquitoes had been proven only in enclosed area, and what happen in the wild is anybody guess.
If it is a genetic factor in Euro, then what are the unknown consequences in the foods we eat daily grown modified by genetic manipulation? Many will say that we do not import GMO foods which can be tested if we can afford to that on thousands of items daily. What about those unknown and undisclosed items of ingredients in our processed foods which can be in any forms and any number of imports?
What about the expired food or expired ingredients in our processed foods? I wonder who label the expiry dates of bulky rice, maize etc. Who would label the expired ingredients in our processed foods? I think GMO foods have been considered more ‘sustainable’ in production and hence the expiry date can be longer but is it really healthy for our food consumption? Tell me who have done such researches to decide for us? Some premature food can present problems.
I am not going to touch on the impacts of most human beings where inbreeding is so common. So we have insurmountable challenge in this sector swallowing the precious resources of the earth getting scarcer for an increasing trend of rising people with lots more problems known and unknown.
The answers is for you to think about as I cannot offer good answers as a man in wilderness.
Maybe with me at the PM of IGGG of Malaysia, we can do something together even if this is sensitive until doom of the human race.
There is a misguided concept that some powerful quarter want to reduce the world population to a quarter of the present status. With that self induced reduction, we too would consume so much global resources especially the burial grounds of over 5 billion people in such a short time.
Good thinking for all.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
Of attitudes and philosophies
JK’s digest 5 of May 2011 – some good and very bad attitudes and philosophies
I don’t know how many attitudes or philosophies are there in the world.
There maybe socialism, communism, capitalism, authoritarianism, dictatorism, and whatever.
Some of these attitudes are implemented through what some call democracy or something similar when there are diverse practices around.
Don’t think everything is the same when democracy is practiced.
In every system, there are bound to be cheating.
Killing by the people in power if they cannot tolerate criticism of others. They do it in so many ways known and unknown to society. So when killing fails, what else these sick people do? Rumour mongering and gangsterism would take over the modus operandi. Some people just enjoy such modus operandi to get benefits that may lead to destruction of themselves and others.
Every challenge presents opportunities. Some people just don’t know what is good and what is bad. Every one would think he or she is good.
And again democracy towards a government is defined as a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Very good and high sounding noble and only in some nations.
In some countries, democracy ends with the normal rigged General Elections where some people voted in changing ballot boxes. This is true and confirmed by the documents presented by the Governments concerned. They cannot hide because the figures cannot cheat. Illegal leaders can cheat and then kill others to stay in illegal power.
There is no wondering now as how some people can secure so many official ballot papers to play with to win general elections. Definitely ballot papers are for sale once in a few years and some people can become very rich indeed. What was the going price per piece?
I think a few hundred thousand pieces would be for grab and who can afford them?
Then how would such pieces be sold after the printing? All very discrete and definitely heinous to the people as the Government so elected become Government of illegal people, by illegal people and for illegal people.
I am just beginning to wonder why my friend the Sabah Government printer died so young soon after retirement. I don’t know how many Government printers lived on for long after retirement. Do you have the answer and if so tell me now.
I have proven that the General Elections had been rigged by the Election Commission as in Police Reports and in the High Courts but the illegal Governments would not dare to take up such allegations further. So a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission RCIEC would deal with the electoral system, the registration of genuine voters not illegal voters or phantom people and conduct of fair, free and true elections.
Enough to say so in the rotten system for 53 years.
Without a RCIEC, there is no meaning in holding any general elections to deceive people who believe in democracy.
When that RCIEC does not happen it is more urgent for the appointment of PM of IGGG to bring the nation away from further deteriorating scenario of unimaginable proportions.
So I am ever ready now.
The appointment of Christian PM is already resolved to be OK.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
I don’t know how many attitudes or philosophies are there in the world.
There maybe socialism, communism, capitalism, authoritarianism, dictatorism, and whatever.
Some of these attitudes are implemented through what some call democracy or something similar when there are diverse practices around.
Don’t think everything is the same when democracy is practiced.
In every system, there are bound to be cheating.
Killing by the people in power if they cannot tolerate criticism of others. They do it in so many ways known and unknown to society. So when killing fails, what else these sick people do? Rumour mongering and gangsterism would take over the modus operandi. Some people just enjoy such modus operandi to get benefits that may lead to destruction of themselves and others.
Every challenge presents opportunities. Some people just don’t know what is good and what is bad. Every one would think he or she is good.
And again democracy towards a government is defined as a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Very good and high sounding noble and only in some nations.
In some countries, democracy ends with the normal rigged General Elections where some people voted in changing ballot boxes. This is true and confirmed by the documents presented by the Governments concerned. They cannot hide because the figures cannot cheat. Illegal leaders can cheat and then kill others to stay in illegal power.
There is no wondering now as how some people can secure so many official ballot papers to play with to win general elections. Definitely ballot papers are for sale once in a few years and some people can become very rich indeed. What was the going price per piece?
I think a few hundred thousand pieces would be for grab and who can afford them?
Then how would such pieces be sold after the printing? All very discrete and definitely heinous to the people as the Government so elected become Government of illegal people, by illegal people and for illegal people.
I am just beginning to wonder why my friend the Sabah Government printer died so young soon after retirement. I don’t know how many Government printers lived on for long after retirement. Do you have the answer and if so tell me now.
I have proven that the General Elections had been rigged by the Election Commission as in Police Reports and in the High Courts but the illegal Governments would not dare to take up such allegations further. So a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Election Commission RCIEC would deal with the electoral system, the registration of genuine voters not illegal voters or phantom people and conduct of fair, free and true elections.
Enough to say so in the rotten system for 53 years.
Without a RCIEC, there is no meaning in holding any general elections to deceive people who believe in democracy.
When that RCIEC does not happen it is more urgent for the appointment of PM of IGGG to bring the nation away from further deteriorating scenario of unimaginable proportions.
So I am ever ready now.
The appointment of Christian PM is already resolved to be OK.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
Important issues
JK’s digest 4 of May, 2011 – some very important issues of crisis proportion - take care.
These issues are very important and I had been writing about them and need to be updated before Friday - 13 May, 2011. These are break or make issues for Malaysia and Sabah in particular. I am anti ILLEGAL Governments.
1. RCI on Project IC in Malaysia.
There are at least 5 millions illegal people in Malaysia given genuine identity cards with 2 millions in Sabah as proven by the confirmed figures of the statistics. Musa Aman has been challenged many times for the issue of Project IC of 400,000 but he remains silent and works more into heinous crimes. Mahathir and Anwar and several other socalled illegal leaders too remain largely silent as I had published 3 editions of Extra People IC or EPIC of Sabah since July 2002. So far no Royal Commission of Inquiry on Project IC despite many calls. These socalled illegal people/leaders should have their titles revoked as treasons had been committed. This treason is still ongoing.
2. Rigging by Election Commission.
There are enough evidence to confirm the rigging of general elections by the Election Commission. So the present and past Governments – Federal and State – are illegal ones favouring all illegal activities and illegalities. So today we face insurmountable crisis and all the rottenness of lopsidedness. A great misfortune has fallen for the nation in profligacy of massive corruption and abuses of power of all sort too many to list. Today it is proven the BN Government has failed miserably for all people who desire justice and fairness. 1Malaysia and transformation are just foolish words to say in the lips of the illegal leaders.
3. The ‘Sulu Sultan’ in dubious Akjan – a sovereignity issue
Like all the illegal Governments and the agencies such as Judiciary, the Police and other implementing agencies, self deceiving and lopsidedness with too many cases daily all written on the walls, the Police is looking for this infamous person who had been declared the Sulu Sultan in Sabah to claim Sabah with its socalled faithful subjects into a million and more. What was the Police doing when it was reported in the local press that a Malaysian residing in Sabah would be made a Sulu Sultan in Sabah soon. What happened to its investigative arm in the Police force? Why the Police did not take action when this event was held in Likas? Why tell the public now that it is searching to get this infamous person to make a Police Statement only after so many Police Reports? So the Police can be selective and bias in its operations to sing to the tune of the illegal Governments. What had the Musa Aman done as the security chief of Sabah? Likas is within Kota Kinabalu City and yet nothing was done. Enough of incredible nonsense.
4. 30 Police Reports worth RM30 trillions
I had done 30 Police Reports all embracing lost resources and yet the Press had been reluctant to disseminate such information for public interests. One of the Police Reports is on the call for RCI on the Petroleum Act 1974 and Petronas. Now the press plays up to stupid people calling for a review only on the same thing –catching the tail of a snake rather than the head. Sure we have lost everything to the illegal leaders/people playing tunes to illegal people too familiar in Sabah and Malaysia when dubious leaders prevail.
5. Christian Prime Minister
Now the dust has settled after countless ruckus of some stupid exposures on race and religions with a silver lining and it has definitely benefitted the nation if we have a Christian Prime Minister to look after the interests of all and NOT a certain privilege group like umnoputra only. Many have spoken and find the scapegoat in the Police as a release medium. So we are now ready to accept wholeheartedly with a Christian Prime Minister.
Why a Christian PM is obvious as we enter into an era of transformation for the nation after 53 years of failed governance. Give the nation a new chance and you would see the difference.
We know the pulse (make or break) of the nation now and should an emergency to be engineered by some known quarters any time now, the present illegal Prime Minister should NOT be retained as the caretaker PM. It was a terrible mistake in 1969, when an emergency as manipulated by UMNO and that Abdul Razak was retained as the caretaker PM. He was benefitting from his own crimes against humanity. Today we know that adverse impact with the emergence of very corrupted PMs in Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi and Najib of the sick RAHMAN syndrome. What is happening now cannot fool the people any more in 2011.
We all doubt the transformation of BN or PR as all the worthless quarrels and meaningless squabbles and diatribe including sex videos of CSL and DSAI would go on into the next political development whether BN stays or income PR in Putrajaya. Profligacy towards nihilism is a reality should that happens for sure.
So I appeal to the DYMM YDP Agung and the ruler conference, you can appoint a Christian as the Prime Minister in the Interim Good Governance Government IGGG with new workable programme for the nation and for all.
I am ready to helm the IGGG as soon as possible.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
These issues are very important and I had been writing about them and need to be updated before Friday - 13 May, 2011. These are break or make issues for Malaysia and Sabah in particular. I am anti ILLEGAL Governments.
1. RCI on Project IC in Malaysia.
There are at least 5 millions illegal people in Malaysia given genuine identity cards with 2 millions in Sabah as proven by the confirmed figures of the statistics. Musa Aman has been challenged many times for the issue of Project IC of 400,000 but he remains silent and works more into heinous crimes. Mahathir and Anwar and several other socalled illegal leaders too remain largely silent as I had published 3 editions of Extra People IC or EPIC of Sabah since July 2002. So far no Royal Commission of Inquiry on Project IC despite many calls. These socalled illegal people/leaders should have their titles revoked as treasons had been committed. This treason is still ongoing.
2. Rigging by Election Commission.
There are enough evidence to confirm the rigging of general elections by the Election Commission. So the present and past Governments – Federal and State – are illegal ones favouring all illegal activities and illegalities. So today we face insurmountable crisis and all the rottenness of lopsidedness. A great misfortune has fallen for the nation in profligacy of massive corruption and abuses of power of all sort too many to list. Today it is proven the BN Government has failed miserably for all people who desire justice and fairness. 1Malaysia and transformation are just foolish words to say in the lips of the illegal leaders.
3. The ‘Sulu Sultan’ in dubious Akjan – a sovereignity issue
Like all the illegal Governments and the agencies such as Judiciary, the Police and other implementing agencies, self deceiving and lopsidedness with too many cases daily all written on the walls, the Police is looking for this infamous person who had been declared the Sulu Sultan in Sabah to claim Sabah with its socalled faithful subjects into a million and more. What was the Police doing when it was reported in the local press that a Malaysian residing in Sabah would be made a Sulu Sultan in Sabah soon. What happened to its investigative arm in the Police force? Why the Police did not take action when this event was held in Likas? Why tell the public now that it is searching to get this infamous person to make a Police Statement only after so many Police Reports? So the Police can be selective and bias in its operations to sing to the tune of the illegal Governments. What had the Musa Aman done as the security chief of Sabah? Likas is within Kota Kinabalu City and yet nothing was done. Enough of incredible nonsense.
4. 30 Police Reports worth RM30 trillions
I had done 30 Police Reports all embracing lost resources and yet the Press had been reluctant to disseminate such information for public interests. One of the Police Reports is on the call for RCI on the Petroleum Act 1974 and Petronas. Now the press plays up to stupid people calling for a review only on the same thing –catching the tail of a snake rather than the head. Sure we have lost everything to the illegal leaders/people playing tunes to illegal people too familiar in Sabah and Malaysia when dubious leaders prevail.
5. Christian Prime Minister
Now the dust has settled after countless ruckus of some stupid exposures on race and religions with a silver lining and it has definitely benefitted the nation if we have a Christian Prime Minister to look after the interests of all and NOT a certain privilege group like umnoputra only. Many have spoken and find the scapegoat in the Police as a release medium. So we are now ready to accept wholeheartedly with a Christian Prime Minister.
Why a Christian PM is obvious as we enter into an era of transformation for the nation after 53 years of failed governance. Give the nation a new chance and you would see the difference.
We know the pulse (make or break) of the nation now and should an emergency to be engineered by some known quarters any time now, the present illegal Prime Minister should NOT be retained as the caretaker PM. It was a terrible mistake in 1969, when an emergency as manipulated by UMNO and that Abdul Razak was retained as the caretaker PM. He was benefitting from his own crimes against humanity. Today we know that adverse impact with the emergence of very corrupted PMs in Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi and Najib of the sick RAHMAN syndrome. What is happening now cannot fool the people any more in 2011.
We all doubt the transformation of BN or PR as all the worthless quarrels and meaningless squabbles and diatribe including sex videos of CSL and DSAI would go on into the next political development whether BN stays or income PR in Putrajaya. Profligacy towards nihilism is a reality should that happens for sure.
So I appeal to the DYMM YDP Agung and the ruler conference, you can appoint a Christian as the Prime Minister in the Interim Good Governance Government IGGG with new workable programme for the nation and for all.
I am ready to helm the IGGG as soon as possible.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia.
Christian Prime Minister in Malaysia..
JK’s digest 3 of May, 2011 – Christian Prime Minister in Malaysia..
What is happening in Penang is unusual as the Police is the focus now.
Why Utusan Malaysia trying to do with such a headline can be indirectly referring to me as the PM of IGGG.
If you ask the illegal Muslims leaders, they will say only Muslim can become Prime Minister in Malaysia. Where in the Constitution that says so?
Some people already have 53 years to prove they had failed to rule the nation for the better tomorrow. What is there to prove that the continuing illegal leaders would transform the nation? We have seen it all and it is getting worst by the weeks. All those cleaning of the filthy linen in public is nauseating indeed. Enough is enough.
Is Utusan Malaysia trying to convey the timely message of an emerging PM of IGGG who happen to be a Christian and find the scapegoat in Penang.
So what is wrong with a Christian who would do justice to the nation of various races and religions? A black or white cat can do the same job of catching mice.
When Utusan Malaysia is responded by emotional outbursts on the grounds by various groups bent on more troubles making, it become such an ugly sights soon getting out of control.
When that happens it is more urgent for the appointment of PM of IGGG to bring the nation away from further deteriorating scenario of unimaginable proportions. Actually when UM starts to publicise this issue, more people would accept this suggestion.
So I am ever ready now.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
What is happening in Penang is unusual as the Police is the focus now.
Why Utusan Malaysia trying to do with such a headline can be indirectly referring to me as the PM of IGGG.
If you ask the illegal Muslims leaders, they will say only Muslim can become Prime Minister in Malaysia. Where in the Constitution that says so?
Some people already have 53 years to prove they had failed to rule the nation for the better tomorrow. What is there to prove that the continuing illegal leaders would transform the nation? We have seen it all and it is getting worst by the weeks. All those cleaning of the filthy linen in public is nauseating indeed. Enough is enough.
Is Utusan Malaysia trying to convey the timely message of an emerging PM of IGGG who happen to be a Christian and find the scapegoat in Penang.
So what is wrong with a Christian who would do justice to the nation of various races and religions? A black or white cat can do the same job of catching mice.
When Utusan Malaysia is responded by emotional outbursts on the grounds by various groups bent on more troubles making, it become such an ugly sights soon getting out of control.
When that happens it is more urgent for the appointment of PM of IGGG to bring the nation away from further deteriorating scenario of unimaginable proportions. Actually when UM starts to publicise this issue, more people would accept this suggestion.
So I am ever ready now.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
Bankrupkt Civil Servants in Malaysia
JK’s digest no 2 of May, 2011 – Bankrupt civil servants
How many civil servants have become bankrupt over the years?
It was reported 1,086 in 2009 and 3,000 in 2010 were declared bankrupt.
How many more in the pipeline? Some may say it is only a small number
consider we have over 2m civil servants in Malaysia.
Big or small may not be issue. But it is a sign of something unpleasant
for the servants themselves and the civil service itself. Who do we blame then?
Blame the BN’s illegal Government which had been slanted into too much
politicking that the Government is incapable to deal with the overall scenario
of the nations in terms of financial, economic and social affairs of the people including the civil servants.
Poverty is on the rise and yet denied by the desperate illegal leaders
because the ill gotten gains of the socalled leaders have covered their own eyes to the reality.
Who want to write about the bankrupt civil servants? If it is not a reflection
of the illegal government so much into dubious wasteful drama,
then tell me what cause the civil servants to be bankrupted.
It is not really these civil servants are unable to service that car loans
but the bigger picture needs to be addressed and such issues are aplenty in this sector of workers.
The level of corruption cannot even address this loan repayment scenario.
We know how corruption at all levels in the civil servants is hitting back on them
so much so that corruption cannot cover up the loan deficits resulting them declared bankrupt.
Yes blame the rising prices especially on those essential items in a
wide range of items such as education, foods, health, housing, clothing,
recreation for the families. Such rising prices are not sudden appearance
but the cumulative impact of years of neglect by the BN’s illegal Government.
We have seen how rising prices in other countries have resulted in change of Governments.
So should we not change the illegal Governments now? Please check out how
our illegal leaders have enriched themselves so much that other people
have to pay a very heavy price for that. The suckers are no good for anyone.
It is all in the writing on the walls.
So official corruption and abuses of power are contagious in the civil service
as each sector competes amongst themselves to enrich themselves one way or another.
In this process, some groups would fall victims to their own games
hence become bankrupt in the process unfortunately. There is no end
in the competition to outdo another in the ladder of vanity and vain glory
in profligacy towards nihilism. Some can ill afford too many wives and mistresses
but still pursue them to their own funerals. There are some lucky men
who can live on the earnings of their wives as more and more women
go to the universities and secure high paid jobs. Most of the bankrupt civil servants are men.
It is indeed a vicious circle aided by practice of bomohism.
Whether the bankruptcy can impact adversely on the civil service is
anyone guess as it has been the same civil service with or without them.
I am wondering what is the stigma of the bankrupt civil servants
who are still retained in the civil service? Do we really know who
they are if they are still retained in the civil service?
Most letters to the civil service are not replied promptly despite a massive setup.
What would happen to the nation if 2million civil servants are tilting t
owards bankruptcy as all are loaded with loans etc?
Corruption bites more and more and demoralized
Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (with dead bodies)
from a change of Agency cannot reverse the fortune of the degraded
and deprived nation also tilting towards bankruptcy because of
selective prosecutions and some untouchable stupid and illegal top leaders of the socalled rotten elite.
The short answer is a total change in the system from the present
rotten system in a legacy of the illegal and rotten UMNO
which has done so much internal damages in the nation’s well being
such as illegal people of at least 5 millions given a new dress in illegal
but genuine identity cards and who then become instant bumiputra to
suck the nation unprepared dry. So the bankrupt civil servants
emulate in their work mentality in the foot steps of the corrupted
illegal leaders who favour illegals and illegalities is the instant backlash
of the immoral leaders now further tainting themselves with porn videos
of famous and infamous people. No end to that unless we end the UMNO and BN era in Malaysia.
So Interim Government for Good Governance or Interim Good Governance Government
under the willing waiting and sustainable leader Joshua Kong so long in wilderness
of suffering to give the nation and the people a chance. IGGG is the answers.
Joshua Kong has survived decades of bomohism when it is made public that in
Malaysian politics, bomohism is the ingredient of maintaining the illegal power of the few.
We need to set up the IGGG cabinet now and it is a must.
Not funny as some dubious foreigner could declare himself Sultan Sulu
in Sabah and claim Sabah as well. So what is wrong when genuine Malaysians
in Sabah do that to rotate the Federal Government to Sabah when
Sabah state Governments had been rotated by the “head hunters” from Peninsula Malaysia.
Kind beget kindness. IGGG is the kindness we need now.
Take care with IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
How many civil servants have become bankrupt over the years?
It was reported 1,086 in 2009 and 3,000 in 2010 were declared bankrupt.
How many more in the pipeline? Some may say it is only a small number
consider we have over 2m civil servants in Malaysia.
Big or small may not be issue. But it is a sign of something unpleasant
for the servants themselves and the civil service itself. Who do we blame then?
Blame the BN’s illegal Government which had been slanted into too much
politicking that the Government is incapable to deal with the overall scenario
of the nations in terms of financial, economic and social affairs of the people including the civil servants.
Poverty is on the rise and yet denied by the desperate illegal leaders
because the ill gotten gains of the socalled leaders have covered their own eyes to the reality.
Who want to write about the bankrupt civil servants? If it is not a reflection
of the illegal government so much into dubious wasteful drama,
then tell me what cause the civil servants to be bankrupted.
It is not really these civil servants are unable to service that car loans
but the bigger picture needs to be addressed and such issues are aplenty in this sector of workers.
The level of corruption cannot even address this loan repayment scenario.
We know how corruption at all levels in the civil servants is hitting back on them
so much so that corruption cannot cover up the loan deficits resulting them declared bankrupt.
Yes blame the rising prices especially on those essential items in a
wide range of items such as education, foods, health, housing, clothing,
recreation for the families. Such rising prices are not sudden appearance
but the cumulative impact of years of neglect by the BN’s illegal Government.
We have seen how rising prices in other countries have resulted in change of Governments.
So should we not change the illegal Governments now? Please check out how
our illegal leaders have enriched themselves so much that other people
have to pay a very heavy price for that. The suckers are no good for anyone.
It is all in the writing on the walls.
So official corruption and abuses of power are contagious in the civil service
as each sector competes amongst themselves to enrich themselves one way or another.
In this process, some groups would fall victims to their own games
hence become bankrupt in the process unfortunately. There is no end
in the competition to outdo another in the ladder of vanity and vain glory
in profligacy towards nihilism. Some can ill afford too many wives and mistresses
but still pursue them to their own funerals. There are some lucky men
who can live on the earnings of their wives as more and more women
go to the universities and secure high paid jobs. Most of the bankrupt civil servants are men.
It is indeed a vicious circle aided by practice of bomohism.
Whether the bankruptcy can impact adversely on the civil service is
anyone guess as it has been the same civil service with or without them.
I am wondering what is the stigma of the bankrupt civil servants
who are still retained in the civil service? Do we really know who
they are if they are still retained in the civil service?
Most letters to the civil service are not replied promptly despite a massive setup.
What would happen to the nation if 2million civil servants are tilting t
owards bankruptcy as all are loaded with loans etc?
Corruption bites more and more and demoralized
Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (with dead bodies)
from a change of Agency cannot reverse the fortune of the degraded
and deprived nation also tilting towards bankruptcy because of
selective prosecutions and some untouchable stupid and illegal top leaders of the socalled rotten elite.
The short answer is a total change in the system from the present
rotten system in a legacy of the illegal and rotten UMNO
which has done so much internal damages in the nation’s well being
such as illegal people of at least 5 millions given a new dress in illegal
but genuine identity cards and who then become instant bumiputra to
suck the nation unprepared dry. So the bankrupt civil servants
emulate in their work mentality in the foot steps of the corrupted
illegal leaders who favour illegals and illegalities is the instant backlash
of the immoral leaders now further tainting themselves with porn videos
of famous and infamous people. No end to that unless we end the UMNO and BN era in Malaysia.
So Interim Government for Good Governance or Interim Good Governance Government
under the willing waiting and sustainable leader Joshua Kong so long in wilderness
of suffering to give the nation and the people a chance. IGGG is the answers.
Joshua Kong has survived decades of bomohism when it is made public that in
Malaysian politics, bomohism is the ingredient of maintaining the illegal power of the few.
We need to set up the IGGG cabinet now and it is a must.
Not funny as some dubious foreigner could declare himself Sultan Sulu
in Sabah and claim Sabah as well. So what is wrong when genuine Malaysians
in Sabah do that to rotate the Federal Government to Sabah when
Sabah state Governments had been rotated by the “head hunters” from Peninsula Malaysia.
Kind beget kindness. IGGG is the kindness we need now.
Take care with IGGG.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia
Najib to resign
JK’s digest 1 of May 2011 – how the poor people can be poorer still?
For whatever problems in the nation after 53 years, the easy solution is for Najib to resign as the illegal PM who won the seat of Pekan in 1999 with very slim majority after an electoral scam, then GE2004, there was a tremendous swing of 22,000 when the Pekan seat was rigged by switched ballot boxes as proven by the figure of ballot papers issued with big discrepancy. Overall GE 2004 and GE 2008 were largely rigged to keep the illegal BN in illegal power.
All illegality governments have no political will to resolve the people’s problems and they dwell into more illegalities resulting in the people getting poorer and the nation sliding into profligacy and bankruptcy.
The illegal BN cannot solve some of these issues of the people as listed below and no longer has credibility to stay in illegal power. The latest Sarawak verdict is obvious rejecting the illegal PM who spent weeks unusually in the state elections.
There are many hundreds of ways the illegal Governments – Federal & State can skin the poor people to stay alive in Malaysia and I want to list some of them here.
These are the main election issues for the voters if there is true, fair and free General Election to consider:-
1. Petronas
1.1 This is an old story since 1976 and you know how much can 5% buy for the people in their basic needs.
1.2 Block L and Block M handed to Brunei.
How was this deal concluded in shadowy scenario? Can the Government prepare a White paper and failing which a Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Sabah is the biggest loser in this deal and I believe Sabah is not even consulted.
How much money actually changed hand when Limbang was the exchange for the deal.
Limbang belong to Sarawak while the Blocks L & M belong to Sabah. Was the deal sanctioned by the State Assembly and TYT?
To illustrate the losses as follows:-
How much is Limbang worth ? How much is Block L and Block M worth? I think the gap is very big.
So how was the difference settled? Where has the money gone to if financial settlement was done?
If the oil is worth RM300 billions at today high price, then Sabah has lost RM15billions at 5%.
Although the fields are handled by Petronas for extraction, I hope Petronas would still give 5% to Sabah.
What happened to the guarantee of Bank Negara of US$50billion foreign loan approved by Abdullah Badawai which turned out to be a scam as per my Police Report. I think this deal is linked to the Block L and Block M and can anyone to confirm this?
2. Rigged General Elections by Election Commission
This is making the people poorer as almost every general election had produced illegal Governments with the massive public fund diverted to conduct the election campaign and the electoral operation.
I have personally become poorer by pursuing the two High Court cases on GE2004 and GE2008 which were struck out by defining the dates of the cases. . The High Court abused the justice it was supposed to dish out. Those commentators make a mockery themselves by making stupid comments of the rigged election as if those results were genuine.
3. Corruption and subsidies
Corruption in official matters is not an issue while subsidies are reduced to hit the wage earner harder in an already difficult time. With the subsidies gradually reduced, cost of living and costs of basic items have escalated while wages are largely stagnant for decades in many sectors
4. Costs of whistle blowing
It is very time consuming and costly to do whistle blowing. Whenever such a case appear in Courts, the whistle blowers have to bear own legal costs while the Government has access to public fund. In such processes at times inevitable, the whistle blowers would lose in term of resources and cash. I have survived several such major challenges and has enriched spiritually but material setbacks.
5. Land issues
There are so many land issues that the poor people have to go to the Courts for solutions which can go on for years. Consider all the opportunities lost in the ensuing years both during the litigation and the post judgement years.
6. Calling for Royal Commissions of Inquiry
Petitions after petitions have not seen any breakthrough for such RCIs to be initiated. All these major issues have become so rotten that the nation would sink under their weights.
All these pressing issues are some of the many items that can cause deprivation of the people.
If the DYMM YDP Agung can appoint Najib to be Prime Minister and NAR did not go for fresh elections within a short time to confirm his position unlike Abdullah Badawi who went to the polls in 6 months, Najib should resign now, then DYMM YDP can appoint me too to be next PM. [don’t worry about the spent force of Anwar mired in so many stupid wasteful and immoral dramas in and out of Courts, Police Stations, newspapers] Then we can arrange for an Interim Cabinet of IGGG.
Pass this on.
Thank you,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Prime Minister of Interim Good Governance Government of Malaysia.
For whatever problems in the nation after 53 years, the easy solution is for Najib to resign as the illegal PM who won the seat of Pekan in 1999 with very slim majority after an electoral scam, then GE2004, there was a tremendous swing of 22,000 when the Pekan seat was rigged by switched ballot boxes as proven by the figure of ballot papers issued with big discrepancy. Overall GE 2004 and GE 2008 were largely rigged to keep the illegal BN in illegal power.
All illegality governments have no political will to resolve the people’s problems and they dwell into more illegalities resulting in the people getting poorer and the nation sliding into profligacy and bankruptcy.
The illegal BN cannot solve some of these issues of the people as listed below and no longer has credibility to stay in illegal power. The latest Sarawak verdict is obvious rejecting the illegal PM who spent weeks unusually in the state elections.
There are many hundreds of ways the illegal Governments – Federal & State can skin the poor people to stay alive in Malaysia and I want to list some of them here.
These are the main election issues for the voters if there is true, fair and free General Election to consider:-
1. Petronas
1.1 This is an old story since 1976 and you know how much can 5% buy for the people in their basic needs.
1.2 Block L and Block M handed to Brunei.
How was this deal concluded in shadowy scenario? Can the Government prepare a White paper and failing which a Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Sabah is the biggest loser in this deal and I believe Sabah is not even consulted.
How much money actually changed hand when Limbang was the exchange for the deal.
Limbang belong to Sarawak while the Blocks L & M belong to Sabah. Was the deal sanctioned by the State Assembly and TYT?
To illustrate the losses as follows:-
How much is Limbang worth ? How much is Block L and Block M worth? I think the gap is very big.
So how was the difference settled? Where has the money gone to if financial settlement was done?
If the oil is worth RM300 billions at today high price, then Sabah has lost RM15billions at 5%.
Although the fields are handled by Petronas for extraction, I hope Petronas would still give 5% to Sabah.
What happened to the guarantee of Bank Negara of US$50billion foreign loan approved by Abdullah Badawai which turned out to be a scam as per my Police Report. I think this deal is linked to the Block L and Block M and can anyone to confirm this?
2. Rigged General Elections by Election Commission
This is making the people poorer as almost every general election had produced illegal Governments with the massive public fund diverted to conduct the election campaign and the electoral operation.
I have personally become poorer by pursuing the two High Court cases on GE2004 and GE2008 which were struck out by defining the dates of the cases. . The High Court abused the justice it was supposed to dish out. Those commentators make a mockery themselves by making stupid comments of the rigged election as if those results were genuine.
3. Corruption and subsidies
Corruption in official matters is not an issue while subsidies are reduced to hit the wage earner harder in an already difficult time. With the subsidies gradually reduced, cost of living and costs of basic items have escalated while wages are largely stagnant for decades in many sectors
4. Costs of whistle blowing
It is very time consuming and costly to do whistle blowing. Whenever such a case appear in Courts, the whistle blowers have to bear own legal costs while the Government has access to public fund. In such processes at times inevitable, the whistle blowers would lose in term of resources and cash. I have survived several such major challenges and has enriched spiritually but material setbacks.
5. Land issues
There are so many land issues that the poor people have to go to the Courts for solutions which can go on for years. Consider all the opportunities lost in the ensuing years both during the litigation and the post judgement years.
6. Calling for Royal Commissions of Inquiry
Petitions after petitions have not seen any breakthrough for such RCIs to be initiated. All these major issues have become so rotten that the nation would sink under their weights.
All these pressing issues are some of the many items that can cause deprivation of the people.
If the DYMM YDP Agung can appoint Najib to be Prime Minister and NAR did not go for fresh elections within a short time to confirm his position unlike Abdullah Badawi who went to the polls in 6 months, Najib should resign now, then DYMM YDP can appoint me too to be next PM. [don’t worry about the spent force of Anwar mired in so many stupid wasteful and immoral dramas in and out of Courts, Police Stations, newspapers] Then we can arrange for an Interim Cabinet of IGGG.
Pass this on.
Thank you,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Prime Minister of Interim Good Governance Government of Malaysia.
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